I am a computer engineer who is passionate about embedded systems and new technologies. I have over three years of embedded experience (Over 1 year professional 2 years from college) from architecture to designing bootloaders and drivers. I am interested in continued learning, best practices, and clean code.
InSource Technologies Paulding, OH
Embedded Software Engineer June 2015 – present
Sole developer on refactoring multiple embedded projects that are actively used by thousands of farmers resulting in: a 92% decrease in cyclomatic complexity, a 28% decrease in data memory, a 9% decrease in CPU usage, and a 20% decrease in lines of code
Implemented an embedded USB to In System Programming interface allowing a dsPIC to update an Atmel chip through USB without the need for a bootloader
Architected and implemented a firmware update mechanism for a single dsPIC microcontroller to update different types devices and up to 32 microcontrollers at once
Applied object oriented principles to C to improve code reuse and reduce coupling
Initiated a weekly continued learning meeting to promote clean code and best practices
Introduced and implemented: UML, Doxygen, static analysis, cyclomatic complexity, and Git hooks into our workflow which improved code quality and efficiency
Used Bash to automate temperature readings of a TI microcontroller’s cores for thermal testing
Embedded Software Engineer Intern May 2014 – August 2014
Reverse engineered and redesigned a J1939 to RS232 interface using a dsPIC which yielded in a more robust development tool
Validated J1939 traffic using CAN analyzers
Performed unit testing, regression testing, code reviews, and followed coding standards
Applied scrum methodologies for agile development
Trine University Angola, IN
Senior Design (Wireless Home Security) August 2014 – May 2015
Designed multiple wireless sensors using a PIC24 allowing robust home intrusion detection
Designed a wireless packet manager on a Raspberry PI using Qt TCP libraries which enabled the sensor data to be accessed remotely
Implemented sleep states and power management in order to achieve prolonged battery life
Performed integration testing with another electrical and computer engineer
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Minor in Software Engineering
Trine University; Angola, IN
GPA 3.65 (4.0)
Technical Skills and Keywords
C/C++, Verilog, object oriented design, polymorphism, DRY, Microchip, MPLAB X, Qt Creator, Sublime, Git, GitBash, Mercurial, Vehicle Spy, Saleae logic analyzer, Linux, Atmel, Altera