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I am a computer engineer who is passionate about embedded systems and new technologies. I have over three years of embedded experience (Over 1 year professional 2 years from college) from architecture to designing bootloaders and drivers. I am interested in continued learning, best practices, and clean code.



InSource Technologies                 Paulding, OH

Embedded Software Engineer                                            June 2015 – present

  • Sole developer on refactoring multiple embedded projects that are actively used by thousands of farmers resulting in: a 92% decrease in cyclomatic complexity, a 28% decrease in data memory, a 9% decrease in CPU usage, and a 20% decrease in lines of code

  • Implemented an embedded USB to In System Programming interface allowing a dsPIC to update an Atmel chip through USB without the need for a bootloader

  • Architected and implemented a firmware update mechanism for a single dsPIC microcontroller to update different types devices and up to 32 microcontrollers at once

  • Applied object oriented principles to C to improve code reuse and reduce coupling

  • Initiated a weekly continued learning meeting to promote clean code and best practices

  • Introduced and implemented: UML, Doxygen, static analysis, cyclomatic complexity, and Git hooks into our workflow which improved code quality and efficiency

  • Used Bash to automate temperature readings of a TI microcontroller’s cores for thermal testing


Embedded Software Engineer Intern                           May 2014 – August 2014

  • Reverse engineered and redesigned a J1939 to RS232 interface using a dsPIC which yielded in a more robust development tool

  • Validated J1939 traffic using CAN analyzers

  • Performed unit testing, regression testing, code reviews, and followed coding standards

  • Applied scrum methodologies for agile development


Trine University                               Angola, IN           

Senior Design (Wireless Home Security)                     August 2014 – May 2015

  • Designed multiple wireless sensors using a PIC24 allowing robust home intrusion detection

  • Designed a wireless packet manager on a Raspberry PI using Qt TCP libraries which enabled the sensor data to be accessed remotely

  • Implemented sleep states and power management in order to achieve prolonged battery life

  • Performed integration testing with another electrical and computer engineer


Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering                    

Minor in Software Engineering

Trine University; Angola, IN

GPA 3.65 (4.0)

Technical Skills and Keywords


C/C++, Verilog, object oriented design, polymorphism, DRY, Microchip, MPLAB X, Qt Creator, Sublime, Git, GitBash, Mercurial, Vehicle Spy, Saleae logic analyzer, Linux, Atmel, Altera

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